Thursday, October 7, 2010

Testing the Google Player

Below is the code that can be inserted to embed a Google MP3 Player into your post. Just find a .mp3 file online and insert the URL where it says YOUR MP3 URL in the code. Paste the code as HTML into your blog post and it will look just like the embedded player above. The best place that I have found to get mp3 files that do not have to be downloaded is Keep in mind that the file must end in the .mp3 extension or else it will not work.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" quality="best" flashvars="audioUrl=YOUR MP3 URL" width="400" height="27"></embed>

Song and Movie w. the Same Title

This song is by The Monsters of Folk, an all-star collaboration featuring Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis from Bright Eyes, Jim James from My Morning Jacket, and M. Ward from She and Him.

I put another song on here just to demonstrate that I can include a full playlist.The second song is from Frightened Rabbit.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Go To CakeBlast.Com!!!

HTTP://CAKEBLAST.COM is my real blog. I have my email addy visible in my profile here, but I mostly have this blog for testing and because I wanted a blogger account

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Test of List Items

I changed the CSS so I can be sure that I know how to change unordered list styles, before suggesting to someone else how to do it.

  • this is a square bullet
  • lets see if it works
  • I hope it does
  • If not that would mean I wrote the code wrong
  • and would need to look it up on W3C

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ticked Off Teddy Was An Idea

I never launched Ticked Off Teddy..there are numerous teddy bears laying around so I had this idea of filming vlogs and writing pet peeve columns from a Teddy Bears point of view. But I never quite got around to it. I write columns over at so I never felt the need to write articles here. Truthfully, both my blogs have backslid since the recent birth of my second child.

My infant son, Zen turns 2-months old tomorrow. I still get up twice per night to feed him and my wife takes over in the morning while I catch up on sleep. Then I get up, try to do as much work as I can (I do a lot of my work from home), and then participate in activities with my toddler-aged son, River after his afternoon nap. Then at night after putting River to bed I try to finish work before laying down and watching a movie with my wife.

Needless to say, both my blog(s) have suffered and this one never even got started. I have a category for "Peeves" on my other site and it only has about 5 columns. And most of those are silly things like TVLand replacing old shows with reality programming and the abundance of people I see in restaurant bathrooms who do not wash their hands after using the toilet.

I realize that in ten years, most of the little things that bother me will not matter. I just have to stay optimistic, work hard at being a good person, set a good example and remain diligent in shaping the character of my children. I will still write letters to TVLand and try to convince people to wash their hands more often, but it is far more important to make sure my children go outside, watch less television, and wash their hands. Because in 10 years they will still matter..and TVLand will just be a reality show wasteland.

Monday, November 10, 2008